Since that hard day eight years ago, everything's changed. I'm writing this because I look at you two and I cannot deny that God is real. There is no way that there isn't a greater Father. Whose love is strong enough to overcome hell- whose love makes us strong enough to overcome hell.
I remember that day so clearly... I picked up the phone and what you said, the way you said it, made me cry and cry. I saw your world fall apart. When I think about it now, I'm reminded of Job. The devil challenging God, God knowing better, and letting the devil do what he thought would kill you. It's a testimony of how powerless he is in the larger scope of things.. I wonder if you would have grown as much as you did if your dad had still been around, if you didn't have to be as desperate as you've been all these years, if you didn't grasp as fully how much more real of a Father our God is.. I don't know, but I know you've won and you're still winning. I know He's fighting for you.
Sean, you make me so happy. I remember you as that fifth grader.. too aware of what happened. You weren't like Joanne- you were always hoping in the other guys, longing almost, for dad. And it took you a while to realize what Joanne held on to since the beginning, but it happened. HAHA I can only imagine satan's frustration. Don't forget how far He's brought you.. I know that every time you cried and every time you couldn't, His heart broke too. He interceded for you, knowing that you'd overcome soon.
It sounds funny, but as I'm writing this, I feel the Father's heart so strong.. Tears in my eyes and so proud of you two.. There aren't many who've carried burdens like these as beautifully.. covered the nakedness of their mother so easily. And I know, without a doubt, he'd feel the same.
I miss him too. I remember the way he walked and talked, always embracing. He was so so special. Like our God, always seeing beyond what was obvious.. he really looked at people, choosing to feel what they did and help when no one else did. Like our Father, he saw the lonely ones and made them his own. Maybe he was who we all must be until we go home.. a reflection of our heavenly dad.. creator, protector, lover, everything forever and ever and ever.
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